bagel cafe
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1 Response
Hi there,
My name is Adelbert Bola and I’m part of the team here at Canva. I was doing a bit of research when I stumbled upon this page on your site: http://www.bagel-cafe.info/2010/11/07/8693. I noticed that you link to a number of online photo editor and was wondering if you have tried Canva? Here’s a link: https://www.canva.com/. We’d love to be included in your list.
Basically, Canva is a simple, drag-and-drop, design software that’s completely online and free to use. It’s been a very exciting adventure: we’ve been around for just over 21 months and already have 5.1 million users 🙂
Please let me know if you are interested. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions. Thank you for your time!
Best Regards,